Looking for a fun was to learn math with your preschooler? I bet they will love to learn counting with caterpillars.
Last Sunday I stayed at home with the kids. Baby Khadijah had a high fever so she was attached to me almost all the time. I need to find quick activity to keep Abdurrahman busy while I attended his little sister.
Suddenly I remember counting caterpillars busy bag from Nicollete (many thanks to you!). I quickly searched for the printable and printed it with my Canon MG5500series. I didn’t have time to laminate so I gave it directly to my preschooler. Since I dont have small-size pompom, I use smiley stickers instead.
He immediately got excited with the activity. Abdurrahman loves stickers and numbers, so the combo is perfect for him. I showed him the big number in the corner and told him to match the stickers with the numbers. In less than 15 minutes he was able to complete every thing. And he asked for more, o oww..
So I quickly googled some counting activity with caterpillar and found this one. Unfortunately, our stickers are too small for the caterpillar body, so we ended up use magnetic smiley, which works perfectly.
I think next time I need to stock up on more stickers and counting printables.
Does your preschooler love counting as much as mine? What is their favorite counting activity?
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